It is our editorial format to list either the company's legal, copyrighted name or, if more specific, the particular division or subsidiary. We do not list the brand name as the manufacturer.
There are some exceptions:
- If the company was initially a separate entity and purchased by a new company, we do keep the original name.
- If a company calls its various labels 'brands' but they are, in fact, separate divisions, then we can include the brand name instead.
- In some cases, where room permits and at the editor's discretion, we do include a brand/sub-brand within the body text and list the official copyrighted name as a 'through' credit. This is done on a case by case basis, and often depends on space, how the manufacturer listed the product in the press release/submission materials, and whether the writer included the brand in the text.
New Products (online and print, no exceptions)
Helene Oberman, Managing Director
Projects (Features, Walk-throughs, Special Sections)
Helene Oberman, Managing Director
News, Departments
Annie Block, Executive Editor
Gallery & Tradeshow Events and Openings; Books
Wilson Barlow, Assistant Editor
Our mailboxes fill up fast! Please do not send large, unsolicited attachments via e-mail. The following is necessary for publication:
A set of high resolution images (.jpg or .tiff) at least 350 dpi illustrating the project. Please send us a link to download them via Dropbox, WeTransfer, or an image transfer site of your choosing.
- Floor plans and two or three-dimensional renderings, including measurements, explaining the project. They should be submitted as digital and/or PDF files and included in the download link.
- A brief description of the project, noting the client’s program, your design solution, total square footage and the project cost. If total project cost not available, please give cost per square foot.
- A complete list of all manufacturers' sources, keyed to the photographs submitted.
- A brief professional biography of the principal team as well as portraits of the project designers (no more than two principals).
We make no publishing commitments without seeing complete professional photography (its quality being a factor in our decision), and we look for images in which the lighting detail is clear: fabric patterns, chair legs, etc.
Please note that Interior Design is adamant about exclusivity. The project submitted must not have been published in any magazine as a feature layout in the United States or Canada. It is acceptable that a project may have been mentioned as a news item.